Penetration Testing







Penetration testing is very important for vulnerability assessment to identify the security gaps in order to be closed before the attack taking the chance to perform vulnerabilities.

Our professional testers will evaluate the security of your network infrastructure, i.e. computer systems, networks, people or applications – by simulating an attack from malicious outsiders (unauthorized) and/or malicious insiders (authorized) to identify attack vectors, vulnerabilities and control weaknesses.

We offer the following penetration test and assessments:

  • Internal penetration test
  • External penetration test
  • Web application assessment
  • Mobile device/application assessment
  • Wireless technology assessment

Why do we need Penetration Testing?

Your company could use Penetration Testing:

  • To determine the weakness in the infrastructure (hardware), application (software) and people in order to develop controls
  • To ensure controls have been implemented and are effective – this provides assurance to information security and senior management
  • To test applications that are often the avenues of attack.